Eye Nail Tutorial

Hello, again!

I don't know about you guys, but I have been obsessed with Alexa Chung for a while now. I think shes so effortlessly cool, and I adore her style. She also seems to be super down to earth, as far as I can tell from her Instagram and the multiple videos and interviews i've seen her in. Anyway, one of the things Alexa is known for is her eyeball nail art that she wore quite often a few years back, and its personally one of my favourites.

I have recreated this look on my own nails quite a few times, (and received many compliments) trying to channel my inner Chung, and I think i've gotten pretty good at it, if I do say so myself, so I thought i'd share how I did it!

If anyone is actually reading this and gives it a try, please send me some pictures, my twitter handle is @chrystat

Here is what you'll need:
1. White Nail Polish
2. Black Nail Polish with thin brush (or eyeliner pen if you're me)
3. Blue or Green polish (Alexa has done both)
4. Topcoat
5. Nail File

Step 1
File and Buff Nails

Step 2
Draw the white of the eyeball. Then dot some blue or green into the middle, and let dry

Step 3
Very thinly outline the white area of the eye

Step 4
Draw lashes on the eyes extending from the upper black line

Step 5

Place a black dot in the center of the blue or green circle of the eyeball, and if you'd like add a topcoat so that it lasts longer! and Taaa-Daaaa! 

All the love, 



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