Just a Thought...

I saw this quote pop up on my Tumblr dashboard today and it was something that I could really relate to. I wanted to write this post because I thought it was important to share my thoughts on it for other people that might be reading this and feel the same.

For the past year or so, my sister and a friend of our have been planning that sometime next year we are going to be hopefully moving to England for a year. Here's where the quote really hits home. I can count on one hand the number of people that I have actually told about these plans, because everytime that I do, I get people telling me that it's not going to happen, or that it costs way too much money and its an unrealistic dream.

But I think thats one thing people don't realize, is that its not just a "dream." It's something that we have looked into and researched and we ARE going to do it. (If we get accepted for a working Visa of course.) But its not just an idea we have in are head that's never going to amount to anything. We all want to do this so badly and have spent so much time planning out every last detail, that we're confident that it is going to happen.

I hate when other people tell you that your dream or your goals in life, no matter what they are are impossible or they make you feel stupid for wanting them. If you want something go after it no matter what. Just because some one else thinks that thier stupid or a waste of time, it doesnt mean that they are. If its something that you love and you are passionate about doing. just do it. If its going to make you happy, in the end thats all that matters. 

So please just do whatever it is that you wanted to do, and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Unless its something illegal, then please dont do it. 

All the love, 

- C


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