Nicole Arbour Fat Shaming Video Is Disgusting

I have a lot of thoughts about this video, so i'm going to try and give them all some order so that this post is not a big jumble of thoughts for you. I tried to write notes before writing this post so that it made some sort of sense, but I'm not sure how well that will work.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, a Youtuber by the name of "Nicole Arbour" recently posted a video titled "Dear Fat People" which essentially is a seven minute video shaming people who are considered "overweight" in today's society. I stumbled upon this when I watched Grace Helbig and Meghan Tonjes create videos responding to Nicole, and I agree with Grace and Meghan. 

This video is absolutely disgusting. Shaming someone for their weight to get a laugh and a couple more subscribers is absolutely disgusting. 

I don't care if you think ridiculing someone over their weight is going to "make them want to lose weight" (it isn't by the way.) you have NO idea what is going on with their life. It doesnt matter if that person has a health issue which leads to weight struggles or if they are struggling emotionally which leads to weight issues, you should never ever treat someone like they are less just because they weigh more than you deem appropriate. People are people no matter what, and they deserve to be treated as one. 

While watching this video I thought to myself, imagine the amount of impact she has on people. She has a hefty following of subscribers, and just think of the message she is sending out to them. She is teaching people that it is okay to degrade other human beings and that its funny! IT ABSOLUTELY IS NOT! I sincerely hope that the young girls or boys who happen to watch this video realize that what she posted is absolutely ridiculous and that they see how little humor there is in this "comedians" vlog. 

It honestly made me sick watching it. I grew up being taught to always treat everyone with respect and treat them how you would essentially want to be treated and it honestly is disappointing to see that some people can be that cruel and rude and not even be bothered by the kind of harm they could be causing to someone watching. 

It's 2015, and I think its about time people stopped being so ignorant. Treating people with kindness is not a hard thing to do.

All the love,

- C


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